Thursday, July 25, 2013

Check out TAAFI this weekend and "Kaj Pindal: Master Moves"!

If you're in the Toronto area, I highly recommend checking out TAAFI ( the Toronto Animation Arts Festival International). It's a great Animation festival with plenty of screenings and workshops including screenings of works by Ray Harrhausen, new works by world renowned animators and new animators alike. Talks with Simpsons creators, animation artists, know what just go check out their website and you can see everything they have to offer.

If i may make a personal recommendation  though , check out "Kaj Pindal: Master Moves", an interview and retrospective of Kaj's work. Kaj will be interviewed by Ellen Besen (Author of Animation Unleashed) about his career and especially diving in to one of his most well known works "What on Earth" which will be screened there as well.


Definitely worth checking out.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Original Life Drawing Sketches on Display at Ben Navee Gallery!

I'm excited to be a part of this show. A number of very talented artists, plus myself, have gotten together to display some of our sketchbook drawings from the various life drawing sessions we have around Toronto.
There are 11 of us displaying works from our sketchbooks and the group has all levels of talent. From students to seasoned professionals. This is the first time many of us have displayed our work in public.
Our sketchbook works I mean. Obviously those of us who work in comics, tv, film animation etc etc have other works out there in public. Everyone is a smarty pants. geez. heh

Anyway i'm excited to be a part of it and if you are in the Toronto area come check it out.
the exhibit will be up until July 15 2013